Picture it. Garland, Texas, 1937. (Ode to Sophia.)
Holiday toys for girls and boys are being advertised in the newspaper in huge 1/4 page ads for each store.
“Boys” toys are what you would expect: trains, guns, cars, tractors, tool chests, footballs.
“Girls” toys are a little bit different: diary, stationary, bridge cards, candy, books, cutex nail sets, powder and perfume.
(I get a distinct whiff of ‘sit down, shut up and look pretty ‘- these same gifts were marketed under the heading ”for the wife”.)
Bring your fresh manicure (or your raggedy-a** nails because they are chewed down to stumps due to holiday madness – no judgment) and join us for a tour of the Garland Square.
Image courtesy of the Vampy Varnish blog.