BOOK REVIEW: The Three Emmas
2025 – 2026 season
Otto Koehler was the President of the Pearl Brewing Company in San Antonio. At the turn of the last century, Otto was married to Emma. During the early years of the 1900s, he was sleeping with her nurse also named Emma. If that weren’t enough, he was having an affair with Nurse Emma’s friend…..ummm, also named Emma. One of the three Emmas goes on to shoot Otto Koehler dead. I discuss his wild life, the even wilder trial and the outcome of all three Emma’s lives.
2024 – 2025 season
Based on my own wide-ranging research, we will be discussing Dallas in 1907. Highland Park was just a twinkle in the developer’s eye; Neiman Marcus would have it’s opening day; prostitution and gambling were legal if you knew the right address; no plane had flown through the Dallas sky, but you would have seen a few early automobiles here and there.
BOOK REVIEW: Zephyr and Sarah
2024 – 2025 season
Zephyr Wright was a major player in the Civil Rights movement but you may not have ever heard her name. She was the African American cook who had the ear of LBJ behind the scenes. Many of her famous recipes are found in cookbooks attributed to Ladybird Johnson. Sarah T Hughes was a trailblazing lawyer and judge who was specifically requested by Lyndon B Johnson for his swearing in. Find out more about their radical lives.