Domenico Ghirlandaio died today in January 1494 .  His name isn’t quite as familiar as many other Renaissance artists today.  But, he was one of the first instructors for a very young Michelangelo.  Michelangelo, however, decided he hated painting rather quickly and made the switch to sculpture around the age of 15.  While Michelangelo is famous for the Sistine Chapel, he *hated* painting and was forced in to that commission.  He typically sculpted.

Michelangelo would have been roughly 19 years old when Ghirlandaio died, but that would have been long enough for his old teacher to hear about his success in sculpting.

How in the heck is this related to Texas history?  Well, one of Michelangelo’s very first known paintings is housed in Fort Worth at the Kimbell.  If you would like a taste of the few years Michelangelo formally trained as a painter before switching to sculptures, you only have a short drive!

Images: Ghirlandaio, Old Man and Child
Michelangelo, the Torment of St. Anthony