This rainy weather has me in a funk and so I am starting a series on Dallas buildings that are nevermore.

Feast thine eyes upon the Times Herald building.  It was created to house the new merger of the Dallas Daily Times and the Dallas Daily Herald.  The newspaper lasted until December 8, 1991, when it closed its doors due to financial pressure.  The next day all of the assets were bought by the Dallas Morning News and dispersed so that no competitive paper would be able to get a toe-hold in Dallas.

The building once stood between Pacific and Patterson Streets with Griffin Street to the west.  It is now a parking lot, of course.  I don’t have any information on the bad a$$ police station right next to it, but that has also been parking lotted.

If you want to see cool buildings that are still standing, book a tour.  If you want to see parking lots and images of the buildings, I am happy to do that too. ha.

D Magazine, Lost Dallas for the image.