The original design for the Dallas County Courthouse called for a 90’ tall clock tower made of sandstone* and granite.  Inside this clock tower was a 4,500 pound bell.  As the building is 205 feet tall with the clock tower in place, it accounts for a large portion of the original height.

That tall clock tower, combined with the massive bell and utter lack of steel support structure, lead to ‘groaning’ heard throughout the building upon completion.  People working within the new courthouse swore they heard groaning and squealing in the walls.  Which they did.  Was it haunted?  Nope, it was the walls giving way slowly under the weight.

Stay tuned to find out what happens with our sagging courthouse.  Or cut the line, book a tour, and find out in person.

*Even more specifically, Pecos red sandstone.  Pecos red is used throughout the building, giving it the nickname of Old Red due to the terra cotta color of the building.