Raising money, old school style.

Right about now, you are probably getting hit up to buy wrapping paper, frozen cookie dough, wreaths, caramel corn, pizza kits, etc., because this is prime fundraising season.

100 years ago in Texas* they raised funds by playing the string game.  A modern version is shown above, for children.  The adult version had strings tied to all kids of prizes – cash, fancy pens, jewelry, you name it.  Huge tables would be strewn with all kinds of tempting prizes tied to strings.  The strings would go up over the rafter above the table – you would choose a string and give a tug.  Whichever prize started to rise was yours to take home.  The better the prizes on the table, the more it cost to pull a string.

*I found photographs of it being played in Texas, but I am sure it was played other places too.

We are working on our website to include our new Garland Square tours where we tie a string to your waist, throw you in to a bar to get a drink and then reel you back out for the hour long tour.  Ha.  Stay tuned!